Hedge Fund Analyst Jobs

We have done the legwork for you and found every Hedge Fund Analyst opening on the Web. What we’ve found is that the educational background of hedge fund analyst jobs varies, but it is common to see analyst job descriptions requiring MBA or other advanced degrees from well-respected universities. From trading stocks, shorting commodities or buying T-notes, hedge fund analysts must understand the entire universe of investment options.

A Sample of Hedge Fund Analyst Jobs in Our Database

  • Operations Analyst | Evanston, IL
  • PnL Reporting Analyst | Fairfield County, CT
  • Senior Analyst | New York, NY
  • Corporate Action Analyst | New York, NY
  • Quantitative Analyst, Securitized Products | New York, NY
  • ABL Senior Credit Analyst | Dallas, TX
  • Equity Research Analyst | New York, NY | California
  • Investment Analyst | Los Angeles, CA
  • Junior Valuation Analyst | Boston, MA
  • Risk Analyst | London, UK


Why Trust Us with Your Hedge Fund Analyst Job Search?

At JobSearchDigest.com we know how valuable your time is because we have been at this a long time, providing our members with investment job research in a completely unbiased and independent manner since 2002.

  • We research employer websites and job boards in niche industries and categorize only the relevant hedge fund analyst jobs and then compile them into a single, searchable database.
  • You save time by visiting only one site to keep you finger on the pulse of hiring in the Hedge Fund industry.
  • Investment firms (and the executive recruiters that work for them) take advantage of our highly targeted audience by hiring people who can hit the ground running.


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